Prepared to go the extra mile

AIR Network’s mentor team are the engine behind our success, our dedicated team regularly go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure service users get the best possible support, this often includes out of hours calls, crisis calls and providing extra detailed touches that others do not. 

We asked our mentors to find out how they are prepared to go that extra mile. 

Housing support 

“I had a service user who was street homeless and had been promised support from another provider, unfortunately the support didn’t turn up and he was left stranded, I chased up a homeless shelter and stayed on the phone with the service user for 3 hours whilst the shelter staff picked up the service user.”

“I received a call at the weekend from a service user who was very anxious because where he was sofa surfing, he believed that somebody in the property was showing signs of Covid 19. So he decided to leave the property and not return. He asked for my assistance and we were able to get him housed and collect his keys on the same day.”

“I was working with a service user who was on a Home Detention Curfew, he was due before the parole board who were prepared to release  him on the securement of housing, I managed to persuade a housing provider to allow the service user a temporary tenancy agreement which did not require signing, as he was still in prison. The service user was released on this basis and signed up to a permanent tenancy agreement.”

Mental Health 

“I was called by a service user late on a Saturday night who was suicidal, I stayed on the phone for several hours, calming him down, reassuring him and listening to his thoughts, I was able to make a referral to a mental health specialist who picked up the case.”

Support with Kit and Sportswear

“We often provide trainers and sportwear to service users coming out of prison who lack the kit to participate in fitness and sports sessions.”

Food Donations

“Covid hit many of service users really hard, we have been organising food bank food packages and delivery for service users and their families since March, this has been a life saver for many of our service users.”

“At sessions we will often provide lunch for service users we know aren’t eating or are struggling with their budget”

Support beyond the Programme

“I had a young service user who was receiving almost daily threats from gangs, I helped him move out of the area into new accommodation with his family. After he was closed from the programme I have continued to support him, providing support to settle in and helping with practical blockages like ID and ETE support.”

“ I was called on a Friday night by a young person on the run, the police had previously told me he was wanted and could I contact him about handing himself in before they looked to pick him up. I managed to contact the young person at 10pm, met him and convinced him to hand himself into the police, I then accompanied the young person to the police station where I supported him into Saturday morning”


The AIR Way